Friday, February 20, 2009

Is going to the pub the same as TV dinners?

So I was on, which is a daily ritual for me, and checking out the message board. I do this regularly, as this is a great source of information for those of us trying to survive without having to adapt to our new surroundings. I am sure there must be a site like this for some of the huge ethnic groups in North America. If not, I wonder why not?

Anyways, there was a post there requesting information on where to buy curry. This is a fair question from anyone, but what piqued my interest was that someone inquired about their desire to find curry when, in another thread, the same user had stated they don't like curry at all. So I kept reading further. and the user ended up replying saying that they were searching out the curry because their boss, who seems to run a pub/restaurant wants to put curry on the menu. Now I was thinking...why are they looking for a prepared curry from Tesco, or the sort, to put it on the menu in their pub? So I replied saying that it is quite simple, and much more original to find a recipe and make your own damned curry (even if using someone else's recipe doesn't seem like original, it is certainly more original than mass produced prepared foods)!

I was gracious enough to provide the following recipes:
(a curry sauce recipe that includes the full process of cooking the meat, etc.)
(the mixture of spices that can be put together for a standard curry powder)

I added that "I loathe restaurants that can't be bothered to create their own stuff and get things out of a jar."

The reply I got is, "Thanks for the tip, I was planning to do it". I believe it as much as you might...possibly even less. But as long as they actually go and do it, I feel it is one more small victory in the battle against crap food.

But it did lead me to wonder: is this standard in pub fare? Do the pubs just buy the local producer's "marinara" sauce or "madras curry" in a jar and pour that over your penne or rice and call it a day? Do they even make anything with real ingredients anymore?

I remember working at Kelsey's back in Canada, and when I started working there, my friend, who was already an employee, said, "Kelsey's doesn't serve anything that doesn't come from a package, a jar, or a bag." It is terrible to think that the general public is going out to eat thinking that its "better than eating microwave dinner", when it really isn't.

I mean, at least we have crusaders out there like Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver, but how much of that crusading would they be doing if they weren't getting paid like bloody theives for it?? I used to think that going out for a meal in Prague was cheap for what you got. Now when I think about what you really get...the costs far outweigh the benefits. In even the best pubs I can find, they use prepared foods, even if it is only a few items. Why cheat your customers like that? It is shameful when you put together such elaborate meals for other areas of the menu that you chinse out on some bloody onion ring or smazeny syr!

If only I had the guts to open a restuarant...

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